all files / src/ generate.js

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/* @flow */
import createPrefixer from 'inline-style-prefixer/static/createPrefixer';
import staticData from '../lib/staticPrefixData';
import OrderedElements from './ordered-elements';
import {
} from './util';
const prefixAll = createPrefixer(staticData);
/* ::
import type { SheetDefinition } from './index.js';
type StringHandlers = { [id:string]: Function };
type SelectorCallback = (selector: string) => any;
export type SelectorHandler = (
    selector: string,
    baseSelector: string,
    callback: SelectorCallback
) => string | null;
 * `selectorHandlers` are functions which handle special selectors which act
 * differently than normal style definitions. These functions look at the
 * current selector and can generate CSS for the styles in their subtree by
 * calling the callback with a new selector.
 * For example, when generating styles with a base selector of '.foo' and the
 * following styles object:
 *   {
 *     ':nth-child(2n)': {
 *       ':hover': {
 *         color: 'red'
 *       }
 *     }
 *   }
 * when we reach the ':hover' style, we would call our selector handlers like
 *   handler(':hover', '.foo:nth-child(2n)', callback)
 * Since our `pseudoSelectors` handles ':hover' styles, that handler would call
 * the callback like
 *   callback('.foo:nth-child(2n):hover')
 * to generate its subtree `{ color: 'red' }` styles with a
 * '.foo:nth-child(2n):hover' selector. The callback would return CSS like
 *   '.foo:nth-child(2n):hover{color:red !important;}'
 * and the handler would then return that resulting CSS.
 * `defaultSelectorHandlers` is the list of default handlers used in a call to
 * `generateCSS`.
 * @name SelectorHandler
 * @function
 * @param {string} selector: The currently inspected selector. ':hover' in the
 *     example above.
 * @param {string} baseSelector: The selector of the parent styles.
 *     '.foo:nth-child(2n)' in the example above.
 * @param {function} generateSubtreeStyles: A function which can be called to
 *     generate CSS for the subtree of styles corresponding to the selector.
 *     Accepts a new baseSelector to use for generating those styles.
 * @returns {?string} The generated CSS for this selector, or null if we don't
 *     handle this selector.
export const defaultSelectorHandlers = [
    // Handle pseudo-selectors, like :hover and :nth-child(3n)
    function pseudoSelectors(
        selector /* : string */,
        baseSelector /* : string */,
        generateSubtreeStyles /* : Function */
    ) /* */ {
        if (selector[0] !== ":") {
            return null;
        return generateSubtreeStyles(baseSelector + selector);
    // Handle media queries (or font-faces)
    function mediaQueries(
        selector /* : string */,
        baseSelector /* : string */,
        generateSubtreeStyles /* : Function */
    ) /* */ {
        if (selector[0] !== "@") {
            return null;
        // Generate the styles normally, and then wrap them in the media query.
        const generated = generateSubtreeStyles(baseSelector);
        return `${selector}{${generated}}`;
 * Generate CSS for a selector and some styles.
 * This function handles the media queries and pseudo selectors that can be used
 * in aphrodite styles.
 * @param {string} selector: A base CSS selector for the styles to be generated
 *     with.
 * @param {Object} styleTypes: A list of properties of the return type of
 *     StyleSheet.create, e.g. [,].
 * @param {Array.<SelectorHandler>} selectorHandlers: A list of selector
 *     handlers to use for handling special selectors. See
 *     `defaultSelectorHandlers`.
 * @param stringHandlers: See `generateCSSRuleset`
 * @param useImportant: See `generateCSSRuleset`
 * To actually generate the CSS special-construct-less styles are passed to
 * `generateCSSRuleset`.
 * For instance, a call to
 *     generateCSS(".foo", [{
 *       color: "red",
 *       "@media screen": {
 *         height: 20,
 *         ":hover": {
 *           backgroundColor: "black"
 *         }
 *       },
 *       ":active": {
 *         fontWeight: "bold"
 *       }
 *     }], defaultSelectorHandlers);
 * with the default `selectorHandlers` will make 5 calls to
 * `generateCSSRuleset`:
 *     generateCSSRuleset(".foo", { color: "red" }, ...)
 *     generateCSSRuleset(".foo:active", { fontWeight: "bold" }, ...)
 *     // These 2 will be wrapped in @media screen {}
 *     generateCSSRuleset(".foo", { height: 20 }, ...)
 *     generateCSSRuleset(".foo:hover", { backgroundColor: "black" }, ...)
export const generateCSS = (
    selector /* : string */,
    styleTypes /* : SheetDefinition[] */,
    selectorHandlers /* : SelectorHandler[] */,
    stringHandlers /* : StringHandlers */,
    useImportant /* : boolean */
) /* : string */ => {
    const merged = new OrderedElements();
    for (let i = 0; i < styleTypes.length; i++) {
    const plainDeclarations = new OrderedElements();
    let generatedStyles = "";
    // TODO(emily): benchmark this to see if a plain for loop would be faster.
    merged.forEach((val, key) => {
        // For each key, see if one of the selector handlers will handle these
        // styles.
        const foundHandler = selectorHandlers.some(handler => {
            const result = handler(key, selector, (newSelector) => {
                return generateCSS(
                    newSelector, [val], selectorHandlers,
                    stringHandlers, useImportant);
            if (result != null) {
                // If the handler returned something, add it to the generated
                // CSS and stop looking for another handler.
                generatedStyles += result;
                return true;
        // If none of the handlers handled it, add it to the list of plain
        // style declarations.
        if (!foundHandler) {
            plainDeclarations.set(key, val);
    return (
            selector, plainDeclarations, stringHandlers, useImportant,
            selectorHandlers) +
 * Helper method of generateCSSRuleset to facilitate custom handling of certain
 * CSS properties. Used for e.g. font families.
 * See generateCSSRuleset for usage and documentation of paramater types.
const runStringHandlers = (
    declarations /* : OrderedElements */,
    stringHandlers /* : StringHandlers */,
    selectorHandlers /* : SelectorHandler[] */
) /* : OrderedElements */ => {
    if (!stringHandlers) {
        return declarations;
    const stringHandlerKeys = Object.keys(stringHandlers);
    for (let i = 0; i < stringHandlerKeys.length; i++) {
        const key = stringHandlerKeys[i];
        if (declarations.has(key)) {
            // A declaration exists for this particular string handler, so we
            // need to let the string handler interpret the declaration first
            // before proceeding.
            // TODO(emily): Pass in a callback which generates CSS, similar to
            // how our selector handlers work, instead of passing in
            // `selectorHandlers` and have them make calls to `generateCSS`
            // themselves. Right now, this is impractical because our string
            // handlers are very specialized and do complex things.
                stringHandlers[key](declarations.get(key), selectorHandlers)
    return declarations;
const transformRule = (
    key /* : string */,
    value /* : string */,
    transformValue /* : function */
) /* : string */ => (
    `${kebabifyStyleName(key)}:${transformValue(key, value)};`
 * Generate a CSS ruleset with the selector and containing the declarations.
 * This function assumes that the given declarations don't contain any special
 * children (such as media queries, pseudo-selectors, or descendant styles).
 * Note that this method does not deal with nesting used for e.g.
 * psuedo-selectors or media queries. That responsibility is left to  the
 * `generateCSS` function.
 * @param {string} selector: the selector associated with the ruleset
 * @param {Object} declarations: a map from camelCased CSS property name to CSS
 *     property value.
 * @param {Object.<string, function>} stringHandlers: a map from camelCased CSS
 *     property name to a function which will map the given value to the value
 *     that is output.
 * @param {bool} useImportant: A boolean saying whether to append "!important"
 *     to each of the CSS declarations.
 * @returns {string} A string of raw CSS.
 * Examples:
 *    generateCSSRuleset(".blah", { color: "red" })
 *    -> ".blah{color: red !important;}"
 *    generateCSSRuleset(".blah", { color: "red" }, {}, false)
 *    -> ".blah{color: red}"
 *    generateCSSRuleset(".blah", { color: "red" }, {color: c => c.toUpperCase})
 *    -> ".blah{color: RED}"
 *    generateCSSRuleset(".blah:hover", { color: "red" })
 *    -> ".blah:hover{color: red}"
export const generateCSSRuleset = (
    selector /* : string */,
    declarations /* : OrderedElements */,
    stringHandlers /* : StringHandlers */,
    useImportant /* : boolean */,
    selectorHandlers /* : SelectorHandler[] */
) /* : string */ => {
    // Mutates declarations
    runStringHandlers(declarations, stringHandlers, selectorHandlers);
    const originalElements = {...declarations.elements};
    // NOTE(emily): This mutates handledDeclarations.elements.
    const prefixedElements = prefixAll(declarations.elements);
    const elementNames = Object.keys(prefixedElements);
    if (elementNames.length !== declarations.keyOrder.length) {
        // There are some prefixed values, so we need to figure out how to sort
        // them.
        // Loop through prefixedElements, looking for anything that is not in
        // sortOrder, which means it was added by prefixAll. This means that we
        // need to figure out where it should appear in the sortOrder.
        for (let i = 0; i < elementNames.length; i++) {
            if (!originalElements.hasOwnProperty(elementNames[i])) {
                // This element is not in the sortOrder, which means it is a prefixed
                // value that was added by prefixAll. Let's try to figure out where it
                // goes.
                let originalStyle;
                if (elementNames[i][0] === 'W') {
                    // This is a Webkit-prefixed style, like "WebkitTransition". Let's
                    // find its original style's sort order.
                    originalStyle = elementNames[i][6].toLowerCase() + elementNames[i].slice(7);
                } else if (elementNames[i][1] === 'o') {
                    // This is a Moz-prefixed style, like "MozTransition". We check
                    // the second character to avoid colliding with Ms-prefixed
                    // styles. Let's find its original style's sort order.
                    originalStyle = elementNames[i][3].toLowerCase() + elementNames[i].slice(4);
                } else { // if (elementNames[i][1] === 's') {
                    // This is a Ms-prefixed style, like "MsTransition".
                    originalStyle = elementNames[i][2].toLowerCase() + elementNames[i].slice(3);
                if (originalStyle && originalElements.hasOwnProperty(originalStyle)) {
                    const originalIndex = declarations.keyOrder.indexOf(originalStyle);
                    declarations.keyOrder.splice(originalIndex, 0, elementNames[i]);
                } else {
                    // We don't know what the original style was, so sort it to
                    // top. This can happen for styles that are added that don't
                    // have the same base name as the original style.
    const transformValue = (useImportant === false)
        ? stringifyValue
        : stringifyAndImportantifyValue;
    const rules = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < declarations.keyOrder.length; i ++) {
        const key = declarations.keyOrder[i];
        const value = prefixedElements[key];
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            // inline-style-prefixer returns an array when there should be
            // multiple rules for the same key. Here we flatten to multiple
            // pairs with the same key.
            for (let j = 0; j < value.length; j++) {
                rules.push(transformRule(key, value[j], transformValue));
        } else {
            rules.push(transformRule(key, value, transformValue));
    if (rules.length) {
        return `${selector}{${rules.join("")}}`;
    } else {
        return "";